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Writer's pictureSamraat Sardesai

Best Practices for Ideation: Tips and techniques for generating, selecting, and implementing ideas

Ideation is the process of coming up with new and creative solutions to problems or challenges. It is an essential skill for anyone who wants to make a positive impact in their community, whether it is a neighborhood, a workplace, a school, or a social group. Ideation can help you find new ways to improve your environment, address social issues, create value for others, or simply have fun.

However, ideation is not always easy. Sometimes you may feel stuck, uninspired, or overwhelmed by the complexity of the problem. How can you overcome these barriers and generate more and better ideas? Here are some tips and techniques that can help you with ideation:

Define the problem clearly.

Before you start brainstorming ideas, make sure you understand what the problem is and why it matters. What are the goals, needs, and constraints of the situation? Who are the stakeholders and what are their expectations? How will you measure the success of your solution? Having a clear problem statement can help you focus your ideation and avoid irrelevant or unrealistic ideas.

Do some research.

To generate ideas, you need to have some background knowledge and inspiration. Research the problem domain and learn from existing solutions or best practices. Look for examples of similar problems that have been solved in other contexts or industries. Find out what are the current trends, opportunities, and challenges in your field. You can also research your target audience and their preferences, motivations, and pain points.

Use divergent and convergent thinking

Ideation involves two types of thinking: divergent and convergent. Divergent thinking is about generating as many ideas as possible without judging or filtering them. Convergent thinking is about evaluating, selecting, and refining the best ideas based on criteria and feedback. You should use both types of thinking in different stages of ideation. First, use divergent thinking to explore different possibilities and perspectives. Then, use convergent thinking to narrow down your options and choose the most promising ones.

Try different ideation techniques.

There are many methods and tools that can help you with ideation. Some of them are:

- Brainstorming: A classic technique where you generate ideas by writing them down on a board or a paper without censoring or criticizing them. You can brainstorm individually or in a group, but make sure everyone has a chance to contribute and build on each other's ideas.

- Mind mapping: A visual technique where you create a diagram that shows the connections between different concepts or aspects of the problem. You start with a central idea and then branch out to related subtopics or categories. You can use colors, symbols, images, or words to represent your ideas.

- SCAMPER: An acronym that stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, and Reverse. It is a technique that helps you modify existing ideas or solutions by asking questions based on each word. For example: How can you substitute one part of the solution with another? How can you combine two or more solutions into one? How can you adapt the solution to a different context or situation?

- Random word: A technique that helps you generate ideas by using a random word as a stimulus or a trigger. You can use a dictionary, a book, a website, or any other source to pick a random word. Then, try to associate that word with the problem or the solution in some way. For example: If the random word is "banana", how can you use it to solve the problem of traffic congestion?

- Get feedback and iterate. Ideation is not a one-time activity but an ongoing process that requires testing and improvement. Once you have some ideas, share them with others and get their feedback. Ask for constructive criticism and suggestions on how to make your ideas better. You can also test your ideas with prototypes or experiments to see how they work in practice. Based on the feedback and results, iterate your ideas until you find the best solution for your problem.

Ideation is a fun and rewarding skill that can help you create positive change in your organisation or community. By following these tips and techniques, you can enhance your ideation process and generate more innovative ideas for any challenge.

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